Central Florida Presbytery, PCA
Prerequisites for Licensure and Ordination
Before you can enter into the licensure examination process, you must first have an arrangement with your church to preach on a regular basis (all BCO quotes are from the 2013 edition).
BCO 19-1. To preserve the purity of the preaching of the Gospel, no man is permitted to preach in the pulpits of the Presbyterian Church in America on a regular basis without proper licensure from the Presbytery having jurisdiction where he will preach.... A ruling elder, a candidate for the ministry, a minister from some other denomination, or some other man may be licensed for the purpose of regularly providing the preaching of the Word upon his giving satisfaction to the Presbytery of his gifts and passing the licensure examination. (See also BCO 22-5 and 22-6.)
BCO 22-5. In order to provide necessary changes in pastorates, a temporary relation may be established between a church and a minister called Stated Supply. If a church is unable to secure a regular pastor or a Stated Supply, then the Session with approval of Presbytery may establish a temporary relation between the church and a licentiate called Student Supply or Ruling Elder Supply.
BCO 22-6. Such temporary relationships can take place at the invitation of the church Session to the minister of the Word, the licentiate, or the ruling elder. The length of the relationship will be determined by the Session and the minister, the licentiate, or the ruling elder, with the approval of the Presbytery. Stated supply, student supply, or ruling elder supply relationships will be for no longer than one year, renewable at the request of the Session and at the review of the Presbytery.
If you satisfy these conditions, you may proceed to the Examination Process for Licensure and Ordination.
Before you can enter into the ordination examination process, you must first obtain the following (all BCO quotes are from the 2013 edition).
You must have a call from a church in the Presbytery where you are seeking ordination.
BCO 21-1. No minister, licentiate or candidate shall receive a call from a church but by the permission of his Presbytery. When a call has been presented to the Presbytery, if found in order and the Presbytery deems it for the good of the Church, they shall place it in the hands of the person to whom it is addressed....
You must have completed Presbytery-approved internship.
BCO 19-7. The Holy Scriptures require that some trial be previously made of those who are to be ordained to the ministry of the Word, both concerning their gifts and concerning their ability to rule as teaching elders, in order that this sacred office may not be degraded by being committed to weak or unworthy men, and that the Church may have an opportunity to form a better judgment respecting the gifts of those to whom this sacred office is to be committed. To provide for such a period of trial, a candidate for ordination must serve an internship. This period of internship shall be at least one year in length, and may be longer at the discretion of the Presbytery so as to give sufficient time for the Presbytery to judge the candidate’s qualifications and service. This period of internship may occur during or after the candidate’s formal theological education. When it occurs during his formal theological education, it may include an intern year in addition to his time of academic training or it may run concurrent with his academic training.
BCO 21-2. When an intern has completed his internship to the satisfaction of the Presbytery, and has accepted a call, the Presbytery shall take immediate steps for his ordination.
BCO 21-4(a) . ...The intern shall also present satisfactory testimonials as to the completion and approval of his internship in the practice of the ministry.
Click here for the Central Florida Presbytery Candidate for Ministry Manual (approved 2009), which describes all the requirements for internship in the Central Flordida Presbytery.
You must have completed a Bachelor or Master degree in theological studies (or approved equivalent).
BCO 21-4(a). An intern applying for ordination shall be required to present a diploma of Bachelor or Master from some approved college or university, and also a diploma of Bachelor or Master from some approved theological seminary or authentic testimonials of having completed a regular course of theological studies, or a certificate of completion of and endorsement from a theological study program as approved by the General Assembly and one of the Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church in America. No Presbytery shall omit any of these educational requirements except in extraordinary cases, and then only with a three-fourths (3/4) approval of the Presbytery. Whenever a Presbytery shall omit any of these educational requirements, it shall always make a record of the reasons for such omission and the parts omitted.
BCO 21-4(b). Every candidate for ordination shall ordinarily have met the requirements of the Assembly's approved curriculum. (Click here for the 6th General Assembly Uniform Curriculum document.)
If you satisfy these conditions, you may proceed to the Examination Process for Licensure and Ordination.